Sonntag, 11. Oktober 2009

Fruehling in Melbourne

Tagebuchnotizen vom Sonntag, 20.9.2009:
Wonderful spring day in Melbourne. Goal of the day: Adjusting. Getting familiar with the guest house and the city and the climate. Which means for me to get up with the sun and go outside to feel the weather with all senses and to wake up the body. As the entrance door is still locked I make sure to have my key with me. Does not help much though. Then I do not succeed to unlock the door with it. So I stand outside in my pyjama with only a towel and the key in my hand. Don't want to wake up anybody on early Sunday morning. So instead of having a hot water before I go for my morning walk I decide to go for a morning walk before I have a hot water. Discovering the Royal Botanic Gardens nearby.
Back again familiarize with the kitchen facilities when making breakfast.
Walk to the visitor centre at Federation Square and buying a weekly ticket to travel around in Melbourne. Then hoping on the free tourist shuttle bus for sightseeing. Hoping off at Queen Victoria Market to buy some organic vegetables and fruits and taking the opportunity to buy a water- and windproof driza-bone jacket with a 30$ discount.
Finishing the bus tour and getting back to store the veggies and getting ready for the visit of the arts market at the esplanade. Dipping the toes in the sand and the sea. Eating an apple and looking out south to Antarctica while the spring sun warms my face.
Sharing joy, laughter, stories and insights with my friend Elena who arrived late last night from greece...
Riding home on tram 16 to cook pumpkin soup and setting up the internet connection with the wifi spot preparing for the start of the course tomorrow.

Meine Eindruecke vom Permakultur Kurs habe ich hier veroeffentlicht.
Permakultur in der Schweiz:
Permakultur in Schweden:
Permakultur in Portugal:
Permakultur in Thailand: